Phase 3: Q1’2025

_Fig 7: Complete $CBL token utility flow and ecosystem_

Fig 7: Complete $CBL token utility flow and ecosystem

  1. inCredbull Earn Governance: Participation Rewards
    1. Reward System: Incentivizes inCredbull Earn DAO members to actively participate in governance activities, encouraging community involvement and decentralized decision-making. DAO members who actively contribute to the platform governance by endorsing proposals, providing oversight, offering valuable suggestions will be rewarded with $CBL tokens. These rewards will recognize and appreciate their efforts in shaping the direction and growth of the platform, fostering a strong sense of community ownership and engagement and promoting the success of the ecosystem.

  2. inCredbull Earn: Game Boosts 2
    1. Early Access: $CBL token holders will be granted early access to new in-game content, features, and updates before they become available to the general player base, giving them a head start and the opportunity to experience the latest additions to the inCredbull Earn ecosystem.